Bhagavata Purana - The Holy Book of the Hindus

4 minute read

Bhagavata Purana, also known as Srimad Bhagavatam, is one of the most revered and influential scriptures in the Sanatan Sabhyata(Hindu tradition). This ancient text, have been written in Sanskrit around 900 CE, is a Sanatan(Hindu) scripture that is revered as one of the most important texts in the Vedic tradition. It is considered to be the fifth of the eighteen Mahapuranas and is dedicated to Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. This article will provide an overview of Bhagavata Purana, its teachings, and its relevance in modern times.


Introduction to Bhagavata Purana

The Bhagavata Purana is composed by Maharshi Ved Vyas(Sage Vyasa), also the author of the Mahabharata, around 5000 years ago. It is a compilation of stories and teachings that revolve around the life and times of Lord Krishna. The text is divided into twelve books, or cantos, with each canto containing a different theme and subject matter.

Bhagavata Purana is widely read by devotees of Lord Krishna, as it contains profound philosophical teachings that can lead one to a deeper understanding of spirituality. It is considered to be a complete guide to the path of devotion or bhakti and is revered as a sacred text by followers of the ISKCON movement.


Teachings of Bhagavata Purana

Bhagavata Purana teaches the importance of devotion to God(Krishna) and the ultimate goal of spiritual liberation. It emphasizes the need for detachment from material possessions and the importance of living a life of simplicity and purity. The text also emphasizes the importance of performing selfless service, or seva, as a means of devotion to Bagvaan(God).

The teachings of Bhagavata Purana are conveyed through stories and parables that are filled with profound wisdom and spiritual insight. One of the most famous stories in the text is the story of Bhakta Prahlada, a devotee of Lord Vishnu who was persecuted by his father for his devotion. Another well-known story is the story of Bhaktaraj Dhruva, a young boy who meditated on Lord Vishnu and achieved spiritual enlightenment.


Bhagavat Puran Slok

The Bhagavata Purana is replete with slokas that expound on the philosophy of Bhakti Yoga. Here are some of the most popular slokas from the text:

  1. "SB 1.2.6:

    धर्मं तु साक्षाद्भगवत्प्रणीतम् न वै विधेयः पुनरेवाऽऽदिह यस्यास्ति भक्तिर्भगवत्यखिञ्चना सर्वैर्गुणैस्तत्र समासते सुराः॥

    dharmaṁ tu sākṣād bhagavat-praṇītam na vai vidheyaḥ punar nivarteta yasys-asti bhaktir bhagavaty akhinchana sarvair guṇais tatra samāsate surāḥ

    Translation: The supreme occupation [dharma] for all humanity is that by which men can attain loving devotional service unto the transcendent Lord. Such devotional service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted to completely satisfy the self."

  1. "SB 10.14.1:

    श्री ब्रह्मा उवाच भगवन् ब्रह्मन् परमात्मन् भगवते प्रणम्य अद्भुताकृतये भूतभावनाय च निर्गुणाय गुणान्विताय तेजसे।

    śrī brahmā uvāca bhagavan brahman paramātmān bhagavate praṇamya adbhutākṛtyaye bhūta-bhāvanāya ca nirguṇāya guṇānvitāya tejasé

    Translation: Lord Brahma said: My dear Lord, You are the only worshipable Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore I offer my humble obeisances and prayers just to please You.

  2. "SB 11.3.21:

    यस्यास्ति भक्तिर्भगवत्यकिञ्चना सर्वैर्गुणैस्तत्र समासते सुराः। हरावभक्तस्य कुतो महद्गुणाः मनोरथेनासति धावतो बहिः॥

    yas yās-ti bhaktir bhagavaty akincanā sarvair guṇais tatra samāsate surāḥ harāv abhaktasya kuto mahad-guṇāḥ manorathenāsati dhāvato bahiḥ

    Translation: One who has unflinching devotion for the Personality of Godhead has all the good qualities of the demigods, but one who is not a devotee of the Lord has only material qualifications that are of little value."


Śrī brahma-saṁhitā 5.1

|| ईश्वर: परम: कृष्ण: सच्चिदानंद विग्रह: ।. अनादिरादिर्गोविंद: सर्वकारणकारणम् ।।

Ishwar: Param: Krishna: Sachchidananda Vigrah
Anadir-Adi-Govindah: Sarva-Karana-Karanam.

Translation: "God is the Supreme Lord, Krishna, who is the embodiment of truth, consciousness, and bliss. He is the beginning of everything and the cause of all causes."

Bhagavatam ISKCON and Srimad-Bhagavatam ISKCON

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is a global organization that is dedicated to spreading the teachings of the Bhagavata Purana and the practice of Bhakti Yoga. ISKCON was founded by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada in 1966, and its members follow the principles of Vaishnavism and worship Lord Krishna as the supreme personality of Godhead.

ISKCON followers consider Bhagavata Purana to be the ultimate guide to the path of devotion and regularly recite Bhagavatam slokas and kathas as part of their daily practice. The teachings of Bhagavata Purana have also been translated into various languages, including Hindi, to make them more accessible to people around the world.


Bhagavata Purana Katha

The Bhagavata Purana is renowned for its captivating stories that narrate the life and exploits of Lord Krishna. These stories are collectively known as Katha and are a means to impart spiritual teachings in an engaging and relatable manner. Here are some of the most popular kathas from the text:

  1. The Birth of Lord Krishna
  2. The Killing of Putana
  3. The Raas Leela
  4. The Bhagavad Gita
  5. The Departure of Lord Krishna


In conclusion, Bhagavata Purana is a sacred Sanatan(Hindu)scripture with profound spiritual teachings and insights. It teaches the importance of devotion to God, detachment from material possessions, and the ultimate goal of spiritual liberation. The text is revered by followers of the ISKCON movement and is regularly recited as part of their daily practice. Whether you are a devotee of Lord Krishna or simply interested in learning more about spirituality, Bhagavata Purana is a text that is definitely worth exploring.


Sources Of Reference For This Article are:-

  1. Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Bhagavata Purana

  2. Brahma Samhita 5.1

  3. The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust: Srimad Bhagavatam

  4. ISKCON News: The Significance of Srimad Bhagavatam in ISKCON

  5. Bhaktivedanta College: Introduction to Bhagavata Purana


ISKCON, The International Society for Krishna Consciousness

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