Ashvamedha Yajna (The Maha Anushthan Of Sanatan)

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Ashvamedha Yajna  (The Maha Anushthan Of Sanatan): Understanding the Meaning and Significance

Ashvamedha Yajna is one of the most significant Vedic Anushthaan(rituals) of Sanatan(Hindutva), which has been a part of the Indian culture for centuries. In this article, we will delve into the meaning and significance of this sacred Anushthaan(rituals).

What is Ashvamedha Yajna?

Ashvamedha Yajna is a complex Vedic Anushthaan(rituals) that involves the sacrifice of a horse, followed by various other Anushthaan(rituals). The term 'Ashvamedha' is derived from two words - 'Ashva' meaning horse and 'medha' meaning sacrifice. Thus, the literal meaning of Ashvamedha Yajna is "the sacrifice of a horse."

The horse that is used for the sacrifice is allowed to roam freely for a year, during which it is protected by the king's soldiers. At the end of the year, the horse is brought back to the king, and a grand ceremony is held, during which the horse is sacrificed. The various Anushthaan(rituals) that are performed during the Ashvamedha Yajna are believed to confer immense blessings upon the king and his kingdom.

Description of Ashvamedha Yajna

The Ashvamedha Yajna is described in great detail in various ancient Sanatan(Hindu) scriptures, including the Vedas, Puranas, and Itihasas. The Anushthaan(rituals) is believed to have been performed by several ancient Indian kings, including Shri Ram, Yudhishthir, and Ashok.

The Ashvamedha Yajna is a highly complex Anushthaan(rituals), and it involves several steps. The first step involves the selection of a purebred horse, which is then set free to roam freely for a year. During this time, the horse is guarded by the king's soldiers, and if any other king challenges the horse, a war is declared.

At the end of the year, the horse is brought back to the kingdom, and a grand ceremony is held. The horse is then sacrificed, and various Anushthaan(rituals) are performed. These Anushthaan(rituals) include the recitation of mantra, the offering of oblations to the gods, and the performance of various sacrifices.

Significance of Ashvamedha Yajna

The Ashvamedha Yajna is believed to confer immense blessings upon the king and his kingdom. The Anushthaan(rituals) is believed to symbolize the king's dominance and power over other kingdoms, and it is believed to bring prosperity and peace to the kingdom.

The Ashvamedha Yajna is also believed to be a way for the king to attain salvation, as it is believed that the Anushthaan(rituals) washes away all sins and impurities. The various offerings that are made during the Anushthaan(rituals) are believed to please the gods, and in return(Moksha), the gods bestow blessings upon the king and his kingdom.

Relevant Shlokas

Here are a few relevant shlokas from the ancient Sanatan(Hindu) scriptures that describe the Ashvamedha Yajna: 

"अश्वमेधेन यजन्त ये केचित सोमपिभक्षकहा | तेभ्यो दधे च सर्वं च यो ह वेद स वेदवित ||" - अथर्ववेद 19.53.3

अनुवाद: "जो लोग अश्वमेघ यज्ञ करते हैं और सोमरस का सेवन करते हैं, वे सब कुछ प्राप्त करते हैं। जो इसे जानता है वह वेदों का ज्ञाता है।"

"Ashvamedhena yajanta ye kechit somapibhakshakaha | tebhyo dadhe cha sarvam cha yo ha veda sa vedavit ||" - Atharva Veda 19.53.3

Translation: "Those who perform the Ashvamedha Yajna and consume the soma juice, they obtain everything. He who knows this is a knower of the Vedas."

"अश्वमेधया यजते राजनहा सहस्रकृत्वो महायज्ञः | सत्रैरप्यश्वमेधस्य विशिष्टह सत्राहक्ष्नायह प्रजाहा शश्वती ||" - ऋग्वेद 1.162.18

"Ashvamedhaya yajate rajanaha sahasrakrutvo mahayajnaha | satrairapyashvamedhasya vishishtaha satraihakshnayaha prajaha shashvati ||" - Rig Veda 1.162.18


 Yagyopavit Sanskar: The Sacred Thread Ceremony of Sanatan(Hindutva)

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