Shri Hari Stotram: Lyrics, Meaning, and Benefits

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Shri Hari Stotram: Lyrics In Sanskrit and English, Meaning, and Benefits

Shri Hari Stotram is a powerful hymn in Sanskrit, dedicated to Lord Vishnu. It is also known as the Vishnu Stotram or the Vishnu Hridayam Stotram. This stotram is believed to have immense spiritual and worldly benefits. In this article, we will explore the lyrics, meaning, and benefits of Shri Hari Stotram.


Shri Hari Stotram Lyrics:

|| ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ||

Om namo bhagavate vāsudevāya

|| ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ||

Om namo bhagavate vāsudevāya

|| ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ||

Om namo bhagavate vāsudevāya



Shree hari stotram lyrics in Sanskrit

जगज्जालपालं कचद कण्ठ मालम्
शरच्चन्द्रभालं महादत्यकालं
नभोनीलकायं दुरावारमायम्
सुपद्मसहायं भजेऽहं  भजेऽहं

जगज्जालपालं कचद कण्ठ मालम्
शरच्चन्द्रभालं महादत्यकालं
नभोनीलकायं दुरावारमायम्
सुपद्मसहायं भजेऽहं  भजेऽहं

सदाम्भोधिवासं गलत्पुष्पहासं
जगत्सन्निवसं शतादित्यभसं 
गदाचक्रशस्त्रं लसत्पितवस्त्रं 
हसच्चारुवक्त्रं भजेऽहं  भजेऽहं

रमाकण्ठहारं श्रुतिव्रातसारं
जलान्तर्विहारं धराभारहारं
चिदानन्दरूपं मनोज्ञस्वरूपं
ध्रुतानेकरूपं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ||

जराजन्महीनं परानन्दपीनं
समाधानलीनं सदैवानवीनं
जगज्जन्महेतुं सुरानीककेतुं
त्रिलोकैकसेतुं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ||

कृताम्नायगानं खगाधीशयानं
विमुक्तेर्निदानं हरारातिमानं
स्वभक्तानुकूलं जगद्व्रुक्षमूलं
निरस्तार्तशूलं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ||

समस्तामरेशं द्विरेफाभकेशं
जगद्विम्बलेशं ह्रुदाकाशदेशं
सदा दिव्यदेहं विमुक्ताखिलेहं
सुवैकुण्ठगेहं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ||

सुरालिबलिष्ठं त्रिलोकीवरिष्ठं
गुरूणां गरिष्ठं स्वरूपैकनिष्ठं
सदा युद्धधीरं महावीरवीरं
महाम्भोधितीरं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ||

रमावामभागं तलानग्रनागं
कृताधीनयागं गतारागरागं
मुनीन्द्रैः सुगीतं सुरैः संपरीतं
गुणौधैरतीतं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं ||


Shree hari stotram lyrics in  English With Meaning


Jagajjālapālam kachad kaṇṭha mālam
Śaracchandrabhālam mahādatyakālam
Nabhonīlakāyam durāvāramāyam
Supadmasahāyam bhaje'ham bhaje'ham

Translation: I worship and adore the one who holds the entire universe, who wears a garland of shining gems, whose forehead shines like the moon, who is beyond the limits of time, who has a dark blue complexion, and whose abode is difficult to access, but who is always ready to assist those who seek him, like a lotus flower.

Sadāmbhodhivāsam galatpuṣpahāsam
Jagatsannivasam śatādityabhasam
Gadācakrashastram lasatpitavasam
Hasaccāruvaktram bhaje'ham bhaje'ham

Translation: I worship and adore the one who lives in the ocean of consciousness, whose smile is like a blooming flower, who resides in every being, whose radiance is like the brilliance of a hundred suns, who wields a mace, discus, and sword, and whose clothes shine like lightning. His face is full of grace and beauty.

Ramākaṇṭhahāram śrutivrātasāram
Jalāntarvihāram dharābhārahāram
Chidānandarūpam manojñasvarūpam
Dhrutānekarūpam bhaje'ham bhaje'ham

Translation: I worship and adore the one who wears a necklace of Rama's name, who is the essence of all sacred texts, who play in the water, who bears the weight of the earth, who has a form of pure consciousness and beauty, who assumes many forms.

Jarājanmahīnam parānandapīnam
Samādhānalīnam sadaivānavīnam
Jagajjanmahetum surānīkakētum
Trilōkaikasētum bhaje'ham bhaje'ham

Translation: I worship and adore the one who is free from birth and death, who is full of supreme bliss, who is always absorbed in meditation, who is forever new and fresh, who is the cause of the universe and the vanquisher of demons, who is the bridge between the three worlds.

Krutāmnāyagānam khagādhīshayānam
Vimukternidānam harārātimānam
Svabhaktānukūlam jagadvrukṣamūlam
Nirastārtashūlam bhaje'ham bhaje'ham

Translation: I worship and adore the one who is the source of all holy scriptures, who is the king of birds, who liberates us from the cycle of birth and death, who destroys the enemies of his devotees, who is like a tree that fulfills all desires and whose trident destroys all suffering.

Samastamareśaṁ dvirephābhakeśaṁ
Jagadvimbaḷeśaṁ hṛudākāśadeśaṁ
Sadā divyadehaṁ vimuktākhilehaṁ
Suvaikuṇṭhagehaṁ bhaje'haṁ bhaje'haṁ

I worship the Lord of all gods, who has two great serpents on his head, who is the lord of the universe, whose abode is the space in the heart, who has a divine body and is free from all bondage, and who resides in the heavenly abode of Vaikuntha.

Surālibaliṣṭhaṁ trilokīvariṣṭhaṁ
Gurūṇāṁ gariṣṭhaṁ svarūpaikaniṣṭhaṁ
Sadā yuddhadhīraṁ mahāvīravīraṁ
Mahāmbhodhitīraṁ bhaje'haṁ bhaje'haṁ

I worship the most powerful and courageous hero, who is adored by the gods, who are the greatest of gurus, who is devoted to his own form, who is always ready for battle, and who is like the shore of the great ocean.

Ramāvāmabhāgaṁ talānagranāgaṁ
Kṛtādhīnayāgaṁ gatārāgarāgaṁ
Munīndraiḥ sugītaṁ suraiḥ saṁparītaṁ
Guṇaudhairatītaṁ bhaje'haṁ bhaje'haṁ

I worship the Lord who is the left half of Lord Shiva, who is the king of the snakes, who is always obedient, who is free from all attachment, who is praised by sages and gods, and who transcends all qualities.



The next verse of the Shri Hari Stotram is as follows:


|| ॐ शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् । प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥

"shuklam baradharam vishnum sasi varnam chaturbhujam prasanna vadanam dhyayet sarva vighnopasantaye"

Meaning: I meditate on Lord Vishnu, who is adorned in white garments, has a bright complexion, four arms, and a pleasant smile. May he remove all obstacles and troubles from my life.

The following verse of the Shri Hari Stotram is:

यसस्य, यसः, ध्रुवं, सर्वम्, शान्तिर्, यस्य, जननं, ततः सर्वम्, समप्तम्, यस्य, चक्षुर्, आदि, पादा, अन्तम्, तं, नमामि

yasasya, yasasah, dhruvam, sarvam, shantir, yasya, jananam, tatah sarvam, samaptam, yasya, chakshur, adi, paada, antam, tam, namami

Meaning: I bow to Lord Vishnu, who is the source of all fame and glory, who grants eternal peace to his devotees, and who is the beginning, middle, and end of all creation.

Several more verses in the Shri Hari Stotram extol the virtues and qualities of Lord Vishnu.

Shri Hari Stotram Benefits:

Reciting the Shri Hari Stotram is believed to have nonspiritual and worldly benefitsorldly. Some of these benefits are:

  1. Spiritual benefits: The repetition of the Shri Hari Stotram is believed to help one achieve spiritual awakening and liberation. It is said to purify the mind and soul and help one attain inner peace and tranquility.

  2. Protection from negative energies: Reciting the Shri Hari Stotram is believed to protect one from negative energies, evil forces, and black magic.

  3. Removal of obstacles: The stotram is believed to remove all obstacles and troubles from one's life. It is said to help one overcome difficulties and achieve success in all areas of life.

  4. Health benefits: The repetition of the stotram believpositively affects one's physical and mental health. It is said to promote overall well-being and vitality.

  5. Blessings from Lord Vishnu: Reciting the Shri Hari Stotram is believed to bring onbenefitsssings and grace of Lord Vishnu. It is said to help one lead a fulfilling and prosperous life.

In conclusion, the Shri Hari Stotram is a powerful hymn in Sanskrit, dedicated to Lord Vishnu. The repetition of this stotram is believed to have immense spiritual and worldly benefits. It is said to purify the mind and soul, remove obstacles, protect one from negative energies, and bring blessings from Lord Vishnu. Reciting the stotram regularly can help one attain inner peace and well

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